Your PUD

Welcome to Ferry County PUD

Ferry County is a customer-owned public utility. Located in northeastern Washington, we serve approximately 3800 customers in Ferry and eastern Okanogan counties. Lifestyles vary widely in this beautiful area. Local lakes and mountains provide year-round recreation for the outdoor enthusiast. Logging, mining, farming and ranching are a big part of our communities. Our customers range from industrial size down to the home gardener. In all cases, there is a need for power. We are here to supply that power in the most efficient, cost-effective way possible. Always keeping our eyes open to the future, we are continually working to better our services and keep abreast of our customer’s needs.

Maybe you are an old friend, or you’re visiting us for the first time. We’re glad you stopped in.

Two linemen in cherry pickers working on a line with a blue sky in the background
Sherman Peak from Snow Peak cabin on a winter afternoon. Photo by Nancy McCambridge

Photo by Nancy McCambridge

Pictured from left to right: Commissioners Chris Kroupa, Dan Fagerlie and Doug Aubertin

PUD Governance

Meet your Ferry County PUD commissioners.

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