Fuel Mix Disclosure

Washington State Law requires annual disclosure of the fuel characteristics of the electricity product provided by electric utilities to its customers. Ferry County PUD is a full-requirements customer of the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), and as such, BPA provides all our electricity. Our utility’s fuel mix is solely determined by BPA’s system mix.

Fuel Mix Disclosure

Electricity Product Content Label

2022 Mix

Fuel Type Percentage of Total Electricity Purchased
Coal 0.00%
EIM Non-Specified Purchases* 0.56%
Hydroelectric 84.73%
Natural Gas 0.00%
Nuclear 10.95%
Petroleum 0.00%
Solar 0.00%
Wind 0.39%
Non-Specified Purchases* 3.36%

*Non-specified purchases represent market purchases made by BPA from another system without knowledge of a specific fuel type.