Public Records Requests

Request a Public Record

Ferry County PUD follows the requirements of state law RCW 42.56.070 for all public records requests.

To request a record please fill out the form below. To submit the request, return the form to the District Auditor, Sue Nush at or to Ferry County PUD Attn: Public Records Officer PO Box 1039 Republic, WA  99166.

Ferry County PUD will respond to all public records requests within five business days of receiving the request.

Records will be provided based on the fee schedule below unless law specifically exempts them from disclosure.

Ferry County PUD makes public records available in the District’s office at 686 South Clark Ave Republic, Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 AM to 5 PM. All requested can be inspected in the District’s office at no charge. An employee will be present to protect the documents from loss or damage. Copies of documents can be requested after inspection for $0.15 per page if paid in advance.

If you have questions, please contact Sue Nush at 509-775-3325 or

Public Records Request (PDF)

Public Records Requests Fees (PDF)

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