Rate Schedules
How you use your service and, in some cases, how much you use, determines under which rate you will be billed.
If you feel you’re being billed under the incorrect rate schedule, contact Arika Kurtz at (509) 775-3325 or at akurtz@fcpud.com
Rate Schedules
Residential Seasonal (PDF): generally described as all usual residential, apartment, seasonal dwellings and farm electric loads or uses. Seasonal service is further defined as casual or occasional periodic usage of five months or less annually.
General Service (PDF): available for lighting and power uses under 50 KW of measured demand not eligible for service under other rate schedules of the District.
Irrigation (PDF): available for service to irrigation pumps.
Large Power (PDF): available for commercial, industrial and other lighting and power uses having an established measured demand of 50 KW or more.
Primary Industrial (PDF): is available for commercial and industrial lighting and power uses having an established measured demand of 500 KW or more.
Primary Industrial 115KV (PDF): is available for industrial lighting and power uses having an established measured demand of 3500 KW or more and service at 115KV or greater.
Street Lighting Service (PDF): is available to cities and towns for lighting.
City Utility Tax
All residences and businesses within the city limits of Republic are assessed a Utility Tax on their electric service. Effective January 1st, 2019 this tax has been amended by the City of Republic, so a flat 4% City Utility Tax will appear on each PUD billing for such services. The City Ordinance regulating this tax can be seen at: https://www.cityofrepublic.org/ordinances-resolutions