Safety Tips
Light Watchmen
Friendly “night lights” both inside and outside your home can contribute to peace of mind when the sun sets and when you are away from home. You can keep night lighting costs low, and protect your home, by following some simple suggestions:
- Don’t leave indoor lamps or outside lights on during the day. Invest in low cost photoelectric cells or time clocks that shut off lights when the sun rises.
- Consider buying a time clock system to turn on lights at different times in the evening if you are away for a number of days.
- Instead of leaving a regular light burning, buy low wattage, light-sensing, night lights to guide family members who wake in the middle of the night. Plug the night lights into sockets in areas such as hallways, bathrooms and near stairways. There are even light-sensing power failure night lights with pre-installed rechargeable batteries that work during power outages!
Power is our business, but safety is our concern!